- Underliggende forhold for den økende rasismen, fascismen og sionismen i Europa
- Forholdet mellom fascistisk vold mot arbeiderklassen i Europa og imperialistisk vold i Palestina, Kongo og andre undertrykte stater.
- Lærdom fra tidligere antifasistiske bevegelser i Europa for å styrke antifasistiske bevegelser lokalt
- Konsolidering av bevegelser - Pro-palestina antiimperialistisk og antifascistisk
Resurgence of neo/fascism in Europe and the need for a consolidated anti-imperialist pro-palestine anti-fascist movement
- Underlying conditions for the rising racism, facism and Zionism in Europe
- Relation between fascist violence against the working class in Europe and imperialist violence in Palestine, Congo and other oppressed states.
- Lessons from the past anti-facist movements in europe to strengthen anti-facist movements locally
- Consolidation of movements - Pro-palestine anti-imperialist and anti-fascist
Police violence
Member of Women Unite Against Racism during the 1990's, a campaigning organisation in Tower Hamlets London, UK when the British National Party were active, and was elected briefly to the local council.
Hazuan Hashim, a filmmaker and video artist, started collaborating with Phil Maxwell in 1996 on various visual arts projects. Phil Maxwell is a photojournalist, filmmaker, visual artist and writer. He has been taking photographs since the 60’s, and has worked in the East End of London for the past 30 years. His extensive archive attracts historians, writers and museums.
Axel Fjeld er MA i filosofi fra UiB, med spesialisering i fascismestudier, tillitsvalgt på jernbanen og leder antirasistisk utvalg i LO I Bergen og Omland.
Sofia Rana Sofia Rana, rådgiver mot høyreekstremisme på Antirasistisk Senter og politisk aktivist.
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