Made in Dagenheim [film]

Based on a true story, Made in Dagenham explores the movement that caused a significant law reform. Rita O’Grady (a fictional character) leads the 1968 Ford sewing machinists strike at the Ford Dagenham plant, where female workers walk out to protest sexual discrimination, demanding equal pay. The strike drew major attention around the world because it was considered contrary to women’s traditional family roles. The successful strike led to the Equal Pay Act 1970.

Historien om hendelsene som ville være startskuddet for loven om likelønn for likt arbeid er tegnet. Sydamene ved Dagenham-fabrikken sto opp mot motviljen til ektemennene deres, en motstridende fagforening og ikke minst Ford-ledelsen som gjorde alt de kunne for å undertrykke dem

The story of the events that would be the starting gun for the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act is drawn. The seamstresses at the Dagenham factory stood up against the reluctance of their husbands, an opposing trade union and, not least, the Ford management who did everything they could to suppress them
01.10.2023 19:30 120 mins
Nigel Cole
120 mins